Your Queries Answered
We strongly believe that language prowess is a skill that is nurtured with systematiclearning methodologies and individual attention. Instead of stuffing your child withpreset modules within a fixed time duration, our sessions are tailor made to make ita perfect fit for the capabilities of each student. Total flexibility and positive learning environment are guaranteed when you chooseus. We customise our one to one sessions to match the personality of the student.
Of course you can! Our aim to provide online training is for children to learn at theirown pace without the fear of getting judged. And, what better place than home toachieve this?When you take our Spoken Hindi Master Course, you will learn the basics of Hinduand the fundamental grammar structure. This way, you can go on to master propervocabulary and native-speaker like pronunciation skills.
Absolutely not! All it takes is perseverance and a highly motivated mindset when youcome to us. With my guidance, you will be able to master Hindi with ease.
5 to 14 is an ideal age to learn a secondary language. An uncluttered young mindwould be better equipped to easily adapt patterns, habits, and skills. Learning givesthem a chance to explore new concepts and unleash their untapped potential. If you are older than this, don’t fret. We strongly believe that age is just a numberand learning is a life-long process. Learn Hindi at any age!
Absolutely! Book today and schedule as per your convenience.
No worries. I provide you with a complete lesson plan according to the course youenroll for. Additionally, supporting flashcards, PDF books, and PDF workbooks willbe shared virtually. Your willingness and time is all you need to carry.
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